Lion the Demon Witch is a ranged intelligence hero who is pretty flexible and can adapt to any situation, whether it be support in a tri or dual lane, as well as having the ability and skills to dominate a solo lane.
Earth Spike is Lion’s first skill. It is a 500-range ability that when activated will create a line of spikes in front of him. Anyone who comes in contact with this line will be hurled into the air for 0.52 seconds and upon landing will be stunned for an additional 2 seconds as well as take 260 damage.
Demon Witch’s second ability is called Hex. Aptly named, it will allow you to hex a unit for choice for a duration of 4 seconds. Just like Shadow Shaman’s ability, this spell will reduce the movement speed of the transformed unit to 100 and will also disable all evasion and blocking mechanisms for the duration of the Hex.
Mana Drain is Lion’s third ability. It does exactly what the name states. It is a single-target spell that will allow Demon Witch to drain 100 mana per second for a duration of 4 seconds. The range of this skill is 750 and if used on an illusion will destroy it after a 1-second period.
Finally we come down to Lion’s ultimate which is called Finger of Death. It is a very powerful single-target spell that will deal 850 damage instantly to whatever target you choose. This is an excellent ability to finish off heroes. Just be a bit cautious to use this ability as people will be quick to call you a kill stealer.
Aghanim’s Scepter can be picked up for Lion as it will improve his ultimate in three categories. The mana cost and cool-down will be lowered down by 15 and 5 seconds respectively, which is not really that great of an improvement and hardly the reason for you to spend hard earned gold to purchase Aghanim’s Scepter. However, what really makes a person consider this item is the fact that it increases the damage of Finger of Death from the original 850 to a massive 1025.
Lion is one of the few heroes in Defense of the Ancients (Dota) 2 who is not really reliant on items. While that does not mean that you do not need them, being unable to farm massive heaps of gold will not really put you in a serious disadvantage. Your main role in the game will be to support your team by using your skills, which comprise of a couple of disables and an extremely power ultimate. Yes, these skills require mana, but that is where your Mana Drain comes in to show its utility.