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Far Cry 3 setting sees a clash of cultures resulting in insanity

By: Musa Afridi

  |   August 3rd, 2012   |  
News, Uncategorized

One of the reasons for the island where Ubisoft’s latest instalment in the Far Cry series is being filled with ‘insane’ people is due to the mix of cultures, that is, according to the game’s lead writer, Jeffrey Yohalem.

Far Cry 3 really impressed in last year’s E3 Press Conference when it was revealed with the iconic ‘do you know the definition of insanity’ trailer with some slick visuals and one of the most bad a** villains in recent history.

However, since then the game had gone into hiding, with very little being given away by the game’s developers. Fast forward a year and Far Cry 3 was one of the main centre pieces in Ubisoft’s Press Conference as it came close to stealing the show had it not been for Watch Dogs and Assassin’s Creed 3.

The trailer for the game was provocative, alluring and intense and the gameplay demo really hit home that Far Cry 3 was getting the full triple-A treatment.

One of the many things that raised a few questions about the game was how on Earth so many psychologically unstable characters managed to make their home on the same island. Luckily the game’s lead writer, Jeffrey Yohalem, was on hand to answer that question.

He explained, “The island exists on multiple planes.” Before continuing, “It contains pieces of history, the Japanese were there for a while and there’s some stuff with mining companies… it basically represents a clash of cultures and globalisation.”

The writer continued by explaining that players will see a mix of cultures, not just in terms of people but also in terms of the environment and the buildings as well.

He said, “You’ll see all kinds of situations where one culture has created something and then another culture has come in and painted over pieces of it. It’s really about our modern world.”

Yohalem also pointed out that the game will immersive players in a world where there is no one defined culture or group of people and even the languages will be mixed and have influences from elsewhere as well.

“We constantly encounter signs of different languages or people who’ve taken words from one language and repurposed them and turned them into something else. You see that clash on the island.”

Yohalem is known for his work on not just the Assassin’s Creed series as well but also came up with the story for Rainbow Six Vegas 2. The latest instalment in the Far Cry series is set to take the series in a new direction and from what the developer has shown off about their game it seems like a very exciting direction.

Far Cry 3 is set for release this holiday season.