One of the first Tom Clancy franchise series to be given the video game treatment, the Rainbow Six games have been on every generation of consoles and PCs and the next instalment in the series may very well coincide with the release of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720.
The Rainbow Six games were the first tactical first-person shooters where one-shot kills worked both ways; the enemy AI terrorists could be taken out with one shot and so could the player. The missions required planning and tactics, most of which were done before the start of each level.
Squad based combat was also introduced with players able to set a path for their fellow AI Rainbow Six operatives as they looked to diffuse various hostage and bomb defusal situations. The series made its way to consoles before the two Rainbow Six: Vegas games changed the dynamic of the gameplay.
Switching from a first-person to a third-person view the two Vegas games also made a number of changes to the series including the fact that the game became a tactical cover based shooter. Players also had two friendly AI buddies as well as split-screen two player coop.
On the multiplayer front is where the game broke new ground for the series. After all the previous Tom Clancy games including the Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter games, failed to expand on the multiplayer, the two Vegas games took things to another level, which laid the groundwork for the stellar Ghost Recon: Future Soldier.
The latest game in the Rainbow Six series was announced earlier on in the year, however since the announcement of a delay, there has been no official word from Ubisoft relating to the game’s development.
However, Ubisoft has broken the silence as Yves Guillemot, the CEO of the company, made the following announcement.
“The only thing I can say is that we have a good team working on it, and it’s really looking good. So when it will come, it will surprise the industry.”
He went on to state that the chances of the game appearing on the next generation of consoles was “good”. Seeing how a number of titles in recent months have been delayed indefinitely it seems more than just a little likely that Patriots will be a launch title for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720, similar to how Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter was released alongside the Xbox 360.
It is during that time that Ubisoft can hope to gain a share of the market as other publishers tend to test the waters before going all-in on the console. One can expect more announcements regarding the game in the future but in the meantime there is nothing for the industry to go on apart from speculation.